When you promote a website, you have various choices. You can pay for traffic by way of PPC advertising, buy banner space on other websites, practice social media marketing, or optimise your site to rank in search results with SEO. A cost-effective way of promoting your business growth is by producing SEO-friendly content. Search Engine Optimization helps individuals stay among the top pages in search engines. If there aren’t people visiting your website, then your marketing efforts will be wasted, no matter how quality your content is. Writing SEO-friendly content will help your website thrive in this competitive market. Well, it’s not easy, but once an individual learns the basics and includes them when producing content, then they’ll see impressive results. Here is how to write SEO-friendly content.
Do Keyword Research
If you want to dominate the search results, then you should use appropriate keywords. Before you begin writing, one should find out which words their audience uses mostly when searching. Using words which people don’t search for is pointless, as they won’t see your post. Fortunately, there are many tools that can help you find out what keywords you should use, such as KWFinder, SEMRush, Moz Keyword Explorer, etc.
Use Headlines and Sub-headlines
Choose an appropriate and captivating title for your posts. And one can even include the keywords on their headlines. People usually read articles with captivating headlines. Then also, ensure that you include sub-headers on your posts. People easily get bored with articles that are difficult to read. Subheadings make your content skimmable, hence reading it is easy. And if someone finds your content readable, they’ll likely share it.
Use Short Paragraphs
No one likes reading long, boring paragraphs. Websites should, therefore, limit how many words they use in a particular paragraph. But even as you do that, ensure that you use them well. Almost everyone uses paragraphs, but not all use them correctly. Don’t just start a new paragraph for the sake. Remember the basics of writing paragraphs. Each should have its own subject and idea.
Include Meta-Descriptions
Meta descriptions plays a significant role in improving your search engine rankings. These words give readers an overview of what you’ve written in the article. When writing your meta description, ensure that you add your main keyword to make it intent-driven. Meta descriptions can drive massive traffic to your site. So, you should always ensure that you include them. One can even go back to their previously published posts which don’t have a meta description and add one.
Add Links to Your Content
Search engines consider backlinks when ranking websites. A website with many links will be ranked highly. If someone wants to improve their ranking and drive traffic, they should link them up from their latest articles. Doing this helps people find your best posts. Also, if one has reputable websites linking to them, this increases the validity of their site. You also become more trustworthy among your readers.
Optimize Your Article’s Length
A while back, people used to write long articles as this helped them get more traffic. But this isn’t the case nowadays. Even in common search engines, too lengthy articles are rarely published. Although Google likes longer content, extremely long articles that are difficult to read scare people away. SEO Experts advise that you write a minimum of 300 plus words. Also, unless you’re a skilled writer, avoid writing too lengthy content. It’s important that your website gets traffic. And one of the ways you can ensure that is by writing creative and informative content. These six tips will help individuals write SEO-friendly content. But one should also remember to add content regularly to keep their site active.